Greenhouse industrial hemp cultivation applications Topics:  Humidity, light, ventilation, CO2 Summary: Industrial hemp cultivation is sensitive to humidity and requires artificial light sources (white, red, far-infrared light combination) applications. At the same time, the CO2 concentration is controlled Industrial hemp growers achieved great results: increased extract content, 8% increase in CBD yield, and 12% increase in THC yield.
Greenhouse strawberry growing applications Topics: Temperature, irrigation, light Summary: Strawberry cultivation is sensitive to temperature and requires strong light exposure, so it is important to control the temperature, and strawberries prefer slightly acidic soil. The result: Strawberry growers achieved great results: an average increase of 10% in yields, 38% in water savings, 12% savings in fertilizer and increased profits for growers.
Greenhouse lettuce growing application Topics: Environmental monitoring, irrigation, light, nutrients Summary: Lettuce cultivation has different temperature requirements during different growing periods. At the same time, it is sensitive to light intensity, and the soil pH value is weakly acidic. The result: lettuce growers have achieved great results: an average increase of 15% in yields, 35% in water savings, 13% savings in fertilizer, and increased profits for growers.
Greenhouse tomato growing applications Topics: Temperature, irrigation, ventilation, fertilization summary: Tomato planting is sensitive to temperature, and organic fertilizers should be added during the critical period of growth The result: Tomato growers achieved great results: an average increase of 12% in yields, 25% in water savings, 17% savings in fertilizer, and increased profits for growers.
Greenhouse grape planting application Topics: Environmental monitoring, irrigation, pest control Summary:
Viticulture is highly sensitive to both under- and over-watering, so the precision of irrigation has a huge impact on yield. At the same time, pests and diseases are very harmful to grapes, and in severe cases, they may lead to the failure of the harvest. The result: Winegrowers achieved great results: an average increase of 12% in yields, 32% water savings, no pests and diseases, and increased profits for growers.